Inside ACO's Poetic Mind
How Can I?
About ACO
My Heart & Soul
Mga Tula in Filipino
Mga Tula in English
Mga Tula in Iloko
Mula sa Baul
Mga Bagong Likha

How can I forget
the sweetness
of your smile,
softness of your lips
the sincere look
in your eyes?

I cannot, I will not.

How can I forget
your body
pressed against mine
skin to skin
flesh to flesh?

I cannot, I will not.

How can I forget
the enduring scent
of your womanhood
filling the air
that I breathe?

I cannot, I will not.

For I will
always remember,
cherish, long for
and wish for you.

Only you Mahal.
Only you.

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